April 2008

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6 April 2008 — Dining Room Divider Wall

I finished framing the short wall that will divide the dining room and kitchen today. The taller wall is screwed into studs in the center wall of the house, the short part of the L is screwed to the taller wall and the floor, and the OSB is glued and screwed to the framing. Once the glue set, this was very solid. It should hold the upper counter top with no problem. We plan to use some 1/4-inch steel to support the cantilever on the dining room side.

Here are a few pictures showing the current state of the dining room and kitchen.

8 April 2008 — Backyard Grass

Over the last few days, I spent some time in the backyard tearing up the ugly grass. I'll let it sit like this for a while, then when it is dry enough I'll turn it over again to break the clumps up some more and then it will be time to plant some new grass that will match the rest of the yard.

10 April 2008 — Wiring and Sheetrock for Divider Wall

Tonight we pulled wire for the outlets that will be in the new wall between the dining room and kitchen and put sheetrock on it. This is starting to look like progress.

This wall is small enough that I could have covered each side with no joints in the sheetrock, but unfortunately we didn't have any more full sheets left over from the ceiling project and a full sheet won't fit in the car. Since only two sheets were needed for this little project, it didn't seem like it would be worth it to rent the Lowe's truck or pay for delivery. So I cut the sheets to 3 feet and loaded them in the back of the trusty wagon. It'll be a little extra work to finish the wall but in the end I don't think anyone will notice.

The light spots on the floor that you can see in the far left of the first picture above are places where I sanded the floor with a palm sander just to see whether the spots and dirt would sand out easily (or at all). The good news is that it looks like the floor is going to clean up really well. We hope to be refinishing floors in a few weeks.

13 April 2008 — Flooring Details

Here's the divider I made out of maple and walnut to go around the hearth, along with the tile that we will be installing someday (soon, I hope, but at this point, I'm not counting on it as there are so many other more important things to do).

We also removed some worthless return air ducts in the basement and uncovered some more notched floor joists. Idiots!

19 April 2008 — Patches

Some wall patches. The first one was a bit of a pain since it was difficult to tie any wood into the brick in this spot. I finally managed to get something wedged in. We'll just have to remember not to hit this part of the wall very hard.

I also pulled off the top layers of sheetrock from the soffit in the kitchen, revealing some lovely (and original to the house, I think) wallpaper.

25 April 2008 — Paint

We have the first coat of paint on the walls in the dining room.

Hostas are coming up!

26 April 2008 — Floor Refinishing

We rented a sander today and started working on the floors in the second bedroom.

27 April 2008 — More Floor Refinishing

By the end of the second day, we had the floors in the den and the second bedroom sanded.

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